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Our website provides you with electronic access to an online Library, the largest and only one of its kind in Malta, offering a wide range of Biblically based, Evangelical Christian literature which comprises thousands of books, covering various topics of interest. We hope that, by God's grace, this website will help you in your spiritual walk.

Malta Evangelical Library, Prayer of the Day
O Light of Life, shine upon my heart, that pines for the summer of your love. May all your blessed saints, who gather around you in the world where night never comes, find in you their true consummation and bliss. Be to me what you are to them; and let me find in you the foretaste of heaven. Amen.
(22nd October, 2024)
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Sam Storms Sam Storms (1951)
The Bible
Jesus himself clearly believed in the inspiration and authority of Scripture. Being a disciple of Jesus entails not only doing what Jesus did but also believing what Jesus believed. It is impossible to accept the authority of Christ without also accepting the authority of Scripture. To believe and receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour is to believe and receive what He taught about Scripture.
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When Grace Come Alive
Johnson, Terry L.
Book title Terry reveals the spiritual depth of the Lord's prayer. Each subject is covered in depth ? 'Actively praying for' ? includes contrition, God's will to be accomplished, removing temptation etc. 'Attitude in prayer' ? includes arguing our case before God, keeping an eternal perspective, the prayer covenant, pleasing God, reverence, etc. This is a profoundly accessible book, one that cleverly combines the theology of the Lord's Prayer with down-to-earth application. Terry teaches us not only how we should pray but also how we should live... Read more >>

Our purpose is to provide and promote sound Christian literature that will help people to acquire a better understanding of biblical truth. In this way they may be discipled to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to love and serve Him in a manner worthy of the gospel.
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