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Our website provides you with electronic access to an online Library, the largest and only one of its kind in Malta, offering a wide range of Biblically based, Evangelical Christian literature which comprises thousands of books, covering various topics of interest. We hope that, by God's grace, this website will help you in your spiritual walk.

Malta Evangelical Library, Prayer of the Day
Give me, most gracious Lord, singleness of heart, that in every word, thought, and deed I may put you first and in all humility and earnestness seek to serve you, and you only. Amen.
(10th February, 2025)
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James Dobson James Dobson (1936)
Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without.
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What Are Spiritual Gifts? (Basics of the Faith)
Poythress, Vern S.
Book title God gives believers spiritual gifts for serving others in the church and the world. However our own spiritual gifts today aren't always easy to identify. What gifts are there? How should they be used? Which gifts apply to the apostolic era? Which apply to us? Even among serious, searching believers, these are still divisive questions. Can light be shed on these issues? Poythress turns to the authority of Scripture and allows it to speak for itself.... Read more >>

Our purpose is to provide and promote sound Christian literature that will help people to acquire a better understanding of biblical truth. In this way they may be discipled to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to love and serve Him in a manner worthy of the gospel.
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